South American food trails.

South America, fourth largest of the world's continent. It is often referred as New World, the western hemisphere or simply the America's. It includes of 14 countries altogether. 
Some unique features of the continent are there are still some tribes which have no contact with modern civilization.
Most number of languages almost 300 are spoken on the continent.
It is home to the Amazon Rainforest, which is the world's most biodiverse place.
The continent also has the driest place on the earth & the tallest waterfall in the world.
It is blessed with many natural resources.
It is also estimated that 20℅ of all planets oxygen is created here.

South American food culture is vast. It has many influences over the years. South American's typically eats three meals and one or two snacks daily. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are eaten in abundance. Cassava flour and meal are common in many areas. The basic staples are corn, potatoes and other tubers, beans, chilli peppers and tomatoes. Dairy products, different kinds of meat and various herbs & spices are also used.
There are also some bizarre foods in Latin america or south america which consists of food like (cuy) guinea pig, ant's, cow udder (ubre), (buchada) goat stomach, corn beer, sea snails, blood sausages etc.

(Ants-hormiga culona)

South America is divided into three regions Andes, pampas and tropical.
The Andes is among the world's longest mountain ranges. Countries like Peru, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela are in this region. It is also home to the Inca civilization. The staples of Andean cuisine are corn, in which choclo is the most common variety, potatoes, quinoa, cuy, llama and alpaca meat. Some of the dishes include ceviche, pachamanca, arepas, chuno, cuy chactado, chicha de jora, mazamorra, stuffed hot peppers, olluquito and drinks like pisco sour, anisada, Peruvian tea & coffee , chicha are adored.


The Pampas are fertile South American lowlands, which includes countries like Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. It is best known for being the home of gauchos and well known for the great biodiversity in the area. It is also famous because it is the largest swampy area in the world. The pampas region have Italian and Spanish influence's. Pasta and polenta are common in Argentina and on the pampas generally. Tortillas, meatballs, potatoes, corn and drinks like coffee & mate are popular.


Some dishes of this region are empanadas, dulce de leche, asado, alfajores, chimichurri, barbecued meat, chivito, torta fritas, choripan, argentine pizza, churros, feijoda, moquea, chorizo and torta fritas.


The tropical region of the continent is divided into two distinct areas, the coastal areas of the Atlantic and Pacific & the Amazon region, each with it's unique cuisine. These regions covers the largest part of the amazon region, most of the guianas, venezuela, brazilian highlands, coast of colombia and northern ecuador. The amazon region is the largest and probably the oldest forest area in the world. A great variety of crops are found here potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, rice, corn, wheat and beans, fresh seafood and meat are available along with exotic fruits. Some traditional dishes in these region are patarascha, tacaca, juane, arepas, manioc, plantains, patacones, chonta salad, peppers and special mention to Amazonian palm trees which is an essential part of south American cooking.


These are some traditional and essential food of people in South America. The cuisine tends to be a blend of cultural backgrounds, available foods and traditional cooking styles and habits. The natural beauty of south america makes it a popular ecotourism destination with the food which is equally delicious and unique in it's own way.


(south american desserts)

(Ajiaco colombiano)



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